
Protecting the Rights of the American Worker

Mesothelioma in the United States

Ten thousand Americans die each year as a result of asbestos related diseases. Men are primarily the ones affected by asbestos-related diseases, and 1 out of every 125 men over the age of 50 who die will pass on as the result of asbestos exposure. NIOSH databases reveal that some 80% of deaths are in men. Most were exposed to asbestos, unaware of its dangers, in the workplace, as they processed asbestos or manufactured or utilized products that contained asbestos.

US Mesothelioma & Asbestosis Deaths

Deaths from Mesothelioma by Gender, 1999 & 2000
(source: NIOSH NORMS database1)

Screenshot 2021-08-11 at 15-41-12 Mesothelioma USA Mesothelioma in the United States

Deaths from Asbestosis by Gender, 1999 & 2000
(source: NIOSH NORMS database1)

Screenshot 2021-08-11 at 15-42-46 Mesothelioma USA Mesothelioma in the United States

Malignant mesothelioma and asbestosis (a non-cancerous, chronic respiratory disease) are two of the most familiar diseases attributed to asbestos exposure. The risk of lung cancer is also increased by exposure to asbestos and when coupled with cigarette smoking, dramatically increases the risk of lung cancer. The following charts outline deaths from asbestos-related diseases.

Deaths from Asbestos-related diseases
(source: EWG Action Group2)

Screenshot 2021-08-11 at 15-45-19 Mesothelioma USA Mesothelioma in the United States

The incidence of mesothelioma in the United States is not supposed to peak until 2015, a direct result of high asbestos exposure levels in the 1970s. Interestingly, although, the asbestos industry had finally accepted asbestos' danger the decade before (despite having been aware of its risks since the 30s), it was not until the early 80s that safety precautions of any merit were put in place.

Who is at increased risk for developing mesothelioma?

  1. Mesothelioma or Asbestosis as an underlying or contributing cause of death listed by gender from NIOSH National Occupational Respiratory Mortality System:
  2. Deaths from asbestos-related diseases from EWG Action Group:

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This information © 2002-2021 by the Asbestos Attorneys at Goldberg, Persky, & White, P.C. The copy and content of this internet site as a service to mesothelioma patients and their families. Web site content has not been prepared or endorsed by physicians or licensed medical professionals. Nothing on this site should be taken as medical advice. Our staff are not physicians nor trained medical professionals and nothing they say should be taken as medical advice. The purpose of this site is to provide patients and their families with useful information and access to resources which may be helpful. Patients are encouraged to consult with their physician for medical advice and with an mesothelioma attorney for legal advice.